The feminine in Ancient Christianity

An essay about Matrology




Spirituality, Woman, Life force, Good News


It is possible to see, in recent years, the commitment of the historical scrutiny that has been carried out in relation to the presence and leadership of women in society and in the Church. There is no longer any doubt — resistance, perhaps — that women played a fundamental role in the consolidation of Christianity. The feminine was responsible for the transforming agent in the expansion of this tradition of faith, preponderant in Western culture. It is this feminine, with many nuances, that, to a large extent, continues to be responsible for the systematic formation of the majority of the faithful in an authentic, free and anonymous service. The emergence of the female question sheds light on forgotten figures, authentic witnesses of a profound experience of God and a spiritual mastery that is so requested today, in our plural context, dominated by speed, functionalism and economy. In an encounter between the past and the present, this article intends to evoke some female figures from the spiritual tradition of Ancient Christianity, women of the Empire and the desert, ammas-mothers-mothers of the Church, who founded two unknown sciences, Matrology and Matristics. Together with them, we want to problematize the importance of resuming elements of their vital force, capable of generating and caring for the Good News.


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Author Biography

Elisângela Pereira Machado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Doutora em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2021). Mestra em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2012). Graduada em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2006). Assessora de Retiros. Educadora e coordenadora da Pós-graduação em Protagonismo Feminino na Igreja na PUCMINAS. Tem experiência nas áreas da Educação, Filosofia, Ética Naturalizada e Teologia Sistemática, atuando nos seguintes temas: educação, mulher, transcendência, espiritualidade e mística. É pesquisadora pós-Doc junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Gênero e Trabalho Artesanal, liderado pela Profª. Edla Eggert/PUCRS. Pesquisa o protagonismo e experiência de Deus na voz e presença da mulher na Igreja, desde origens primitivas das mães do deserto, medievais em diálogo com as modernas, a partir do pensamento e obra de Edith Stein.


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How to Cite

Machado, E. P. . (2023). The feminine in Ancient Christianity: An essay about Matrology. Revista Teopráxis, 40(135), 11–21.