Implications of sorority in synodality




Synodality, Sorority, Female Religious Life, Commensality, Communion, Inclusive Language


This article explores the intersection of synodality and sisterhood in women's religious life, highlighting the importance of recognizing women's distinct experiences and perspectives. The reflection is based on the understanding that historical modes of interpretation still permeate the collective unconscious, hindering the legitimacy of women's specific experiences. Addressing the need to broaden horizons in the search for meaning in life, the text highlights synodality as an opportunity to invest in the present, aligning with the call to communion and discernment. Each person in this project with their leaders is challenged to be a bearer of hope, revealing “faces of light” on the path to be followed in synodality. It is questioned whether synodality will include sisterhood, arguing that language and attitudes must reflect an essential change in thinking, promoting an inclusive semantics. The importance of sorority as the feminine of fraternity stands out, demanding a distinct understanding of the female experience. The article highlights the need to rediscover and value the Church as an "inclusive home", emphasizing the importance of sharing and mutual recognition. The author proposes a path to return to authenticity and simplicity, moving away from clerical and patriarchal structures. Furthermore, the text explores the idea of “living at home without feeling at home”, citing Pope Francis, and highlights the importance of commensality as a fundamental element in building authentic communities. The summary concludes by highlighting the need to embrace vulnerability, recognizing that transformation and true happiness arise from authenticity and mutual acceptance. Sisterhood in synodality is presented as a profound dimension in mutual learning, promoting equal dignity between men and women.


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Author Biography

Bárbara Pataro Bucker, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Puc-Rio)

Doutora em Teologia Sistemática. Faz parte da Rede brasileira de teólogas. Professora da PUC/RJ até 2022 atuando nas disciplinas de Ética Cristã, Departamento de Teologia. Esteve na Equipe Teológica da CRB Nacional (ERT), Equipe de Teólogos de Assessores da Presidência (ETAP) e da Confederação Latino-Americano e Caribenho dos Religiosos (CLAR).


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How to Cite

Bucker, B. P. . (2023). Implications of sorority in synodality. Revista Teopráxis, 40(135), 67–76.