Fratelli Tutti and the Defense of Life




Fratelli Tutti, Life, Solidarity, Social Doctrine of the Church


This article addresses Pope Francis' encyclical letter “Fratelli Tutti”, published in 2020, in light of the integral defense of life, and highlights fraternity as a counterpoint to individualism prevalent in contemporary society. Fraternity is not only understood at the level of personal relationships, but also in its political dimension and in accordance with the principle of solidarity, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church. This is the Christian perspective of defending life in all its forms, from birth to death, giving priority to the poor and excluded and combating the throwaway culture. Based on the inspiration of concrete reality, the experience of the Ka’apor indigenous people and the Word of God with the parable of the Good Samaritan, the article develops reflections on the mission of the Church and offers proposals for action within the horizon of integral ecology, with political, economic, educational and spiritual perspectives.


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Author Biography

  • Dário Giuliano Bossi, Rede Eclesial Panamazônica (REPAM)

    Missionário comboniano, bacharel em Teologia. Atua na coordenação da rede ecumênica latino-americana Iglesias y Minería e é assessor da REPAM (Rede Eclesial Panamazônica), particularmente no eixo Direitos Humanos. É também assessor da equipe de ecologia integral da CLAR (Conferência de Religiosos-as de América Latina) e da Comissão Especial para Ecologia Integral e Mineração da CNBB. 


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How to Cite

Fratelli Tutti and the Defense of Life. (2024). Revista Teopráxis, 41(136).

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