“I saw the Lord!”
the feminine dimension of the account of the first apparition of the risen Jesus in the Fourth Gospel and a Pope who welcomes women’s testimony
Mary Magdalene, Fourth Gospel, Pope Francis, Female leadership in the ChurchAbstract
This article studies the text of Jo 20,1-2.11-18 motivated by the current debates about the feminine frontline role in the Catholic Church and in society. It is pertinent to rethink the women’s role in both these spheres from the Gospel’s accounts, particularly, the one of Mary Magdalene, recognized by Tradition as “Apostle of the Apostles”. In the light of the authority that Jesus confers on her, Pope Francis raised, on July 22nd, 2016 – the Year of Mercy, the celebration of Saint Mary Magdalene to the level of a feast in the Roman Missal. This symbolic gesture illustrates the debate on the fundamental importance of women in socio-ecclesial life.
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