To “Stay in love" (Cf. Jn 15:9) To be mission

Authentic Christian Spirituality is an essential element for the missionary identity of the Church and of every Christian believer


  • Daniel Luz Rocchetti



Missionary Spirituality, Missio Dei, Missionary Magisterium, Identity


The article proposes to present the mission as the most authentic fruit of a Christian spirituality. Starting from the current missiology reflection that presents the concept of Missio Dei, in which the source of the mission is recognized in God, and the mission, an attribute of divinity. In this divine overflow on creation and humanity, Jesus Christ is the culmination of God's mission. And it is from him that the Church and every believer becomes a collaborator of and in Missio Dei. Thus, for the faithful, it is from the encounter with Jesus Christ himself, which one decides to follow as his disciple, seeking to configure himself to him so that He himself may continue His mission. Through the missionary documents of the recent Pontifical Magisterium and some missionary documents of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, one discovers the importance of 'remaining in the love' of God, that is, in communion and fidelity to Him to be a missionary, whether donating life, praying for missions or contributing to them.


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Author Biography

  • Daniel Luz Rocchetti ,

    Sacerdote Palotino (Sociedade do Apostolado Católico); Bacharel em Filosofia pelo Instituto Teológico do Mosteiro de São Bento – RJ (1999); Bacharel em Teologia pela Instituto Teológico do Mosteiro de São bento – RJ (nível eclesiástico – 2003, convalidação – 2015); Bacharel em Missiologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Urbaniana – Roma/Itália (2008); Mestre em Missiologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Urbaniana – Roma/Itália (2010); Doutor em Missiologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Urbaniana – Roma/Itália (2015); Assessor da Comissão Episcopal Pastoral para a Ação Missionária e Cooperação Intereclesial da CNBB.


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How to Cite

To “Stay in love" (Cf. Jn 15:9) To be mission: Authentic Christian Spirituality is an essential element for the missionary identity of the Church and of every Christian believer. (2021). Revista Teopráxis, 38(131), 66-79.

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