Economy and social justice in the light of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti




Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Economy, Social justice, Pope Francis



 This work analyzes how the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti presents the principles of Economy and Social Justice. To this end, a methodological path is followed to present the conditions and debates that inspired its publication, given the highly predatory global economic scenario, which generates inequalities and destruction of the planet. It is clear that the Encyclical is not the inauguration of Pope Francis’ economic thought, but rather, it is connected to a series of previous documents, which already provoked movements and concrete actions. The first step towards overcoming inequalities is the conscious reading of reality, in which it is possible to establish a dialogue between Pope Francis’ text and other authors who have already outlined this panorama. Finally, a reading of each chapter of the Encyclical is established, observing the key themes, which are Francis’s fundamental principles for a new economy and Social Justice, an invitation that is made beyond the walls of the Catholic Church.


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Author Biography

  • Tiago Arcego da Silva, Universidade de  Passo Fundo - UPF

    Mestre em História pela Universidade de  Passo Fundo - UPF. Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (2014). Especialista em Espiritualidade pela Faculdade de Teologia e Pastoral - Itepa Faculdades, de Passo Fundo. Especialista em Educação no Campo com ênfase em Estudos da Realidade Brasileira pela Universidade Federal da  Fronteira Sul - Campus Chapecó. Membro da Articulação da Economia de Francisco e Clara.



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How to Cite

Economy and social justice in the light of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti. (2024). Revista Teopráxis, 41(136).

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